The import of wines and spirits in Mexico must comply with a series of particularities that companies that offer this service must know and master perfectly. We refer to those logistics processes that come from experience and that, although they are very important, not all companies or customers know.

These are the key points for an effective and efficient import of wines and spirits in Mexico:

The Accredited Verification Unit (UVA)

A true 360° logistics service in the import of wines and spirits cannot do without offering the customer an Accredited Verification Unit (UVA). Its purpose is to evaluate the conformity of the importer’s data, the product to be imported and the address at which the labeling of the products will comply with the Official Mexican Regulations (NOM).


The Centralized Fiscal Control Module

It is important to know that logistics companies specialized in the import of these products have a Centralized Fiscal Control Module. This point is key because the entire tax administration (marbetes, calculation of taxes to be paid by extraction, etc.) it is carried out from a single place at the service of the customer.


Facilities for the storage of wines and spirits

It should be remembered that the storage of wines and spirits requires special care due to the physical conditions of the product. Many customers do not know that special care must be taken in aspects such as temperature, humidity or the handling of the movement of products. That is why it is necessary to check that the logistics company has the optimal facilities for the protection of these delicate products.


Other commonly unknown key points:

  • The labels must comply with a specific measure, a requirement that the logistics company must master.
  • It is common for customers not to know what it means to distribute products of high weight and volume such as wines and spirits, so from the beginning the logistics company must warn about these particularities.

As we can see, experience is essential to correctly comply with the logistics of importing wines and spirits. For no reason should it be an improvised activity, since there are several key points that must be known for its fulfillment.